We offer 30 days returns with 100% refund of the original item price to the original payment method if your product/order meet these conditions:
(Original Shipping & Handling fees are NON-REFUNDABLE)
1 Item is unused, unopened, in original packaging with all the original content, (including manuals, stickers warnings, etc.,) package must be intact with its original label, tab, etc.
2 Return process must start during the 30 next calendar days after your purchase.
How to Return a Purchased Item:
Please contact us during the 30 days from the day of purchase to info@goathobbies.com
Please sent your contact information, Order Number, Reason for return.
We will email instructions how to ship the item back, you can also return the item to any of our Retail Locations.
Customers are responsible for shipping fees.
Once we received the item, it will be inspected, if it does not meet the previous return criteria, return will be rejected and shipped back to customer.
Damage Package Claims:
If you received your order and shipping box/bag looks in bad condition, please take pictures or video before and after you open the shipping package, inspect the items, if is any damage please let us know immediately by sending and email to info@goathobbies.com, please attached pictures and comments.
Lost Package Claims
If you have not received you item and the tracking number shows as delivered, please contact us immediately to info@goathobbies.com
Product warranties must be handled directly with the manufacturer of the product.